중국 웨이보 우한폐렴 인종차별 사과영상 올린 델리 알리

2020. 2. 10. 03:00카테고리 없음




사람들이 왜화났냐?

알리는 검은 마스크로 중무장한 자신을 찍은 후 '코로나... 뭐라고.... 볼륨을 높여 들어주세요'라는 자막을 달았다. 


중국어 액센트의 목소리가 배경으로 들려왔고, 알리의 카메라 렌즈는 아시아인으로 보이는 한 사람을 향했다. 자신이 찍히는 줄도 모른 채 휴대폰을 들여다보고 있는 한 아시아인의 모습을 올린 다음 손 세정제를 찍어올렸다. '이 바이러스는 나를 따라잡는 속도보다 더 빨리 움직여야할 것'이라는 자막을 달았다.







昨天 23:42 来自 微博 weibo.com

Hi guys, it’s Dele. I just wanted to apologise on my behalf for the video I posted on Snapchat yesterday. It wasn’t funny and I realised that immediately and took it down.

I let myself down and the club. I don’t want you guys to have that impression of me because it wasn’t funny and I realise that straight away and took it down. It isn’t something that should be joked about.

I’m sending all my love and all my thoughts and prayers to everyone in China. 





Hi guys, it’s Dele.
I just wanted to apologise on my behalf for the video I posted on Snapchat yesterday.
It wasn’t funny and I realised that immediately and took it down.
I let myself down and the club.
I don’t want you guys to have that impression of me because it wasn’t funny and I realise that straight away and took it down.
It isn’t something that should be joked about.
I’m sending all my love and all my thoughts and prayers to everyone in China

